Why a modern liquor decanter and wine decanter are the new collectables

 Modern liquor decanter and wine decanter have all the features of ideal collectible items. They are:







Leaded glass decanters have been a favorite collectible item for decades but have somehow fallen out of favor for many reasons. First of all, though lovely in their own way, cut glass lead decanters surely look obsolete and hence don’t belong to a modern ambiance.

 Secondly, lead crystal carries the possible health hazard of lead leaching into wines and spirits that stay in the decanter. This is specifically vital in case of liquors that might stay in the decanters for extended period of time. Luckily, some contemporary decanters are particularly made from lead free glass, which improves both their value and utility. 

Visual attractions are a numero Uno feature craved by the collector. Crystal glass has long been known for this quality. As contemporary designs take full benefit of this lovely medium, the resulting impact is quite impressive. Nowhere is this more evident than in modern spirit and wine decanter collections.

The wine and spirits decanter has the extra advantage that this collection serves a beneficial purpose. Decanting wine has the advantage of enhancing texture and flavor by opening up the wine to the air for a period of time before drinking. 

The collector of carafe wine obviously wants his collection to hold and augment in value. Hence the collection should include popular brands with the brand name engraved clearly but discretely on the decanters. General prices of collectible decanters are within hundred dollars. Some can be slightly inexpensive and some costlier, specifically the bigger ones. These prices make collecting a viable proposition and enable a small, interesting collection to be assembled pretty quickly, to be added gradually over the years. 


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